Daily Archives: June 3, 2024

2024 Summer Book Recommendations

In the best of years, these actually get put out BEFORE summer break.

This is one of those years. (Also: best not to ask what work I’m avoiding when something like this gets done.)

This year, I made one list with six categories: picture books, beginner readers / short chapter books, audio books, middle grade fiction, graphic novels, and nonfiction / biographies.

Why? There is always drama around reading above/below a grade. This way: it’s just a list. Choose at your own discretion. Though, to be fair, titles are arranged in each section by reading level from low to high.

Titles were chosen that were published in the last two years (2022 – 2024). There are only 2 – both in audio books – that are from 2021. But I couldn’t resist the audio for BATTLE DRAGONS. It’s my current listen and so good and exactly what loads of my students would like to read this summer.

Happy to share the original link for this list in Canva so you can edit your own copy – just let me know in the comments.

Happy reading!

PS: the list for my school has the school name. Here, I replaced it with my name, as I don’t publicize where I teach.